Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Morning Mail – 8.24.10

Uncle Wayne: So here's a couple of tips. When you first meet a girl you give her two compliments above the neck. Yeah, tell her she's got nice lips, nice eyes, nice hair... she's intelligent, her moral ethics, whatever crap comes to your mind. Then just when she begins to thinks that you're another - you know - vanilla nice guy that she can tool around with all night without getting naked...
[hits his hand on bar]
Uncle Wayne: you *insult* her! Flip the power dynamic and your let her know that you're here to play.

(Source: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)

That is so damn true it makes me laugh. The noodle is the one who gets played and labeled as a friend, if you don’t want to be that guy, I’d suggest you start manning up and insulting some women.

After watching this movie I thought something was seriously wrong with me. I don’t think I got the moral of the story.

Chelsea is hands down the funniest woman on TV. That woman can make me laugh and cry at the same time. Can’t wait to see what she has next.

I got cable back, but my internet won’t work. I don’t know why. I was really excited because I’ve been behind on a couple of series I follow, and I want to catch up. I was however able to catch up on the HBO series, Hung. A lot of people aren’t fans, but then again, I look at what they are fans of and I’m not surprised.

There’s a certain type of guy who watches football and think that golf is boring. Or the guy who likes cheeseburgers and doesn’t know the difference between brie and camembert.

The jury is out on Matt Leinart, he should seek a deal with the District Attorney’s office.

Sometimes you want to tell a girl, please stop arguing with me. I understand that you feel strongly and you are entitled to your opinion, but let me tell you something, “Nothing about what you are doing is yielding you any success.” A bunch of single women sitting around talking about what they will and won’t do to get in a relationship. They have been single since they left college. They are planning their 30th birthdays. Oh they’ve had sex, they’ve had plenty of sex. They’ve had pseudo relationships with a guy who just won’t ever come around. But allegedly they are experts on relationships… GTFOH.

SF in Arizona, November 29th, nah I might mess with Arizona in SF for January 2nd.

Today is my Dad’s birthday.

I’ll be hosting at the Park at 14th on Thursday. There are several other bloggers included in this event, so if you can come out and check it out.

Life is good. God is good.


max said...

"They are planning their 30th birthdays. Oh they’ve had sex, they’ve had plenty of sex. They’ve had pseudo relationships with a guy who just won’t ever come around. But allegedly they are experts on relationships… "

If you had said 35th instead of 30th I would think you were talking about me :(

Anna said...

There is something wrong with you lol watching chick flicks... lol :p

Flyyest One said...

"A bunch of single women sitting around talking about what they will and won’t do to get in a relationship. They have been single since they left college. They are planning their 30th birthdays."

And if you had said 25th I would have thought you were talking about me. *le sigh* I've only been out of undergrad 2 years. There's still hope right?