Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mel Gibson is the True American Dream

Mel Gibson reminds us of two things; racism is still alive, and America loves second chances. Well… maybe three things, alcoholism is a problem in America. However, I’m always surprised at the outcry of the public when they find out that some old white man is racist. I know plenty of white people who are racist, and I know plenty of white people who are racist but aren’t saying anything to my face. Most of all, I know plenty of white people who aren’t racist at all. But I’m never surprised at a racist white man in America.

Mel Gibson doesn’t like Black people or Mexicans, that isn’t news to me. My grandmother told me she voted for Bush in the second election because she felt that George W. Bush reminded Black people to be aware of the fact that racism was still alive in America. A few years later and a Black president, the Miseducation of People of Color has gone completely awry and left. We’ve started actually believing that Mel Gibson doesn’t exist anymore. He went ultra-Hitler FOUR years ago, not even Manson would sign off on this guy. (We all kind of looked at the Passion a little different after that. Maybe we just weren’t paying attention to the Signs.)

However, all signs point towards Mel being welcomed back into Hollywood. He admitted to hitting his ex-girlfriend, the anti-semitism, racism, homophobia, and alcohol abuse. Mel Gibson’s return will be a triumphant American story of a man who hits rock bottom only to make it back to the Big Screen because of talent and hard work. I won’t be tuning in, nor will I be applauding him when he does so. The same guy who did Passion of the Christ also did Apocolypto, I’m sorry but he just doesn’t have a reputation for consistency. I wonder if he warned Rene Russo to stay away from Danny Glover because she might get, Alas, we’ll really see what the American dream when we meet the white woman Denzel has been sleeping with on the side all these years.

“Hey, I'm for love, not war. How about we have a beer?” – Mel Gibson


SaneN85 said...

I don't think that he'll be accepted back by anybody with open arms any time soon after these leaked tapes.

Dr. J said...

But the anti-semitic comments were on video in 2006, and look where we are today...

SaneN85 said...

Yeah, but that was one tirade against one community. He's offended everyone and their mistress this time. Plus, he isn't able to blame his crazy on the alcohol this time.