Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Morning Mail - 3.25.09

I know I have been MIA for a while. It’s because I’m transitioning onto another project at work. This weekend was uneventful. Except someone invited me to something and then went to sleep when I was on my way there and I didn’t find out they were sleep until I was already ON MY WAY. Unforgiveable. Saturday was about my boy’s girlfriend trying to take me down. You can always tell when a girl with a boyfriend is into you, she starts talking about how much she loves her boyfriend. I would not fall for it.

Then on Monday night, I went grocery shopping so I could save some money and start making some dinner and POTENTIALLY take my lunch. I ended up spending way too much money, but I will not be eating for some time.

Somebody thinks I’m sexy. Cute.

Obama is a pimp.

I owe you guys a post on my fashion report. And I have a few more ideas for posts to come.

Time for Law & Order... woo hoo!

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